The world's first AI copilot for HR, powered by HR Leaders

Scale your team's resources, boost productivity and personalize skill development

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learn from the best

Intelligent Search

Instant, actionable answers to any HR question

With over 50 defined prompts to choose from, you can start immediately; shortening the path to answers and ensuring consistency, while developing your HR team

Personalized Learning Pathways

AI-Powered learning for personalized skill development

Get suggested learning based on your queries in a style that suits you (text, video, audio or interactive) with adaptive quizzes and tests
atlas reinvents how to turn ideas into actions tailored for each individual. It enables personal growth that leads to sustainable impact.
Dave UlrichRensis Likert Professor, University of Michigan, Partner, The RBL Group
atlas represents a revolutionary change in how HR professionals tap into and leverage practitioner experience and expertise
Chris RaineyCo-founder at HR Leaders and atlas copilot

Knowledge Bank

Unmatched, expert resources providing diversity of thought

Leverage evidence-based research from real practiotioners, scientists and experts, and HR Leaders’ limitless resources

AI-powered Livestreams

Stay ahead of the curve and make decisions

Access exclusive weekly summits, roundtables, panel discussions and podcasts, featuring real-time summaries and answers

Enterprise Grade AI

State-of-the-art protection for every user

Confidential data is secure and managed using state-of-the-art encryption to ensure that all interactions and data handling are compliant with ISO 27001, CPRA, and GDPR regulations
ISO 27001 CertifiedGDPR Compliant

Enterprise Integrations

Easily plug in your people data

Allow users to seamlessly integrate with their preferred technology stack, including Microsoft Teams, Slack, and leading LMS/LXP platforms. Mobile enabled

Why choose atlas?

Organization knowledge vaultEmbed organizational policies, procedures, training courses, learning materials, thought leadership, and communications to provide HR team members with access to organizational data alongside best practices
Skills tracking & benchmarkingAnalyze your team’s search data to identify knowledge, content and skill gaps. Support personalized learning pathways to maintain their professional credential(s) and identify skill shortages
Unmatched, expert resourcesLeverage evidence-based research from real practitioners, scientists and experts, and HR Leaders’ limitless resources


Stay ahead of the curve and make informed decision

Access weekly summits, roundtables, panels discussions, and podcasts, featuring the world's top HR practitioners and industry experts who are shaping the future of work.

Prepare for ever-evolving Future of Work